Journal Publications
D., J. Gleeson and G. Nielsen. 2016. Estimating
carbon storage in
southern Ontario forests at regional and stand levels.
Ontario Ministry
of Natural Resources and Forestry, Science and Research Branch,
Peterborough, ON. Climate Change Research Note CCRN-12. Martin, A.R, Davies, E.W., Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Smith, S.M. 2014. Is evidence-based conservation applied in urban forestry? A case study from Toronto, Canada. Open Journal of Forestry, 4(1): 28-33.
Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Strobl. S. 2012. Designing natural heritage systems in southern Ontario using a systematic conservation planning approach. The Forestry Chronicle, 88(6): 722-735.
Day, A.N. and Puric-Mladenovic, D. 2012. Forest inventory and monitoring information to support diverse management needs in the Lake Simcoe watershed. The Forestry Chronicle, 88(2): 140-146.
Puric-Mladenovic, D., Malcolm, J., She, H., Strobl, S. and Buck, J. 2011. An analysis of the vulnerabilities of Terrestrial Ecosystems/Vegetation Cover to climate change in the Lake Simcoe watershed. 22pp + Appendices. Part of the climate change strategy for the Lake Simcoe watershed (Policy 7.11 of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan). Paper also available through The Climate Change Adaptation Community of Practice (CCACoP)
Puric-Mladenovic, D. Strobl. S. 2006. Delineating conservation areas on the Oak Ridges Moraine using a systematic conservation planning approach. The Forestry Chronicle, 82(3) 395-402.
Malcolm, J.R., Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Shi, H. 2005a. Projected tree distributions, tree migration rates, and forest types in Ontario under a 2°C global temperature rise. Pages 51–99 in Malcolm, J.R. Editor. Implications of a 2°C global temperature rise for Canada’s natural resources. Report to World Wildlife Fund, 30 November 2005, Toronto, Ontario.
Malcolm, J.R., Shi, H. and Puric-Mladenovic, D. 2005b. Implications of climate change on disturbance regimes, carbon stocks, management and biodiversity of Canada’s boreal forests. Pages 100–109 in Malcolm, J.R. Editor. Implications of a 2°C global temperature rise for Canada’s natural resources. Report to World Wildlife Fund, 30 November 2005, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
Puric-Mladenovic, D., Kenney, W.A. and Csillag, F. 2000. Land development pressure on peri-urban forests: A case study in the Regional Municipality of York. The Forestry Chronicle 76(2):247-250.
Kenney, W.A., Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Vanstone, B. 1999. Crown volume estimation for open-growth urban trees. Ontario Arborist. 27(5):8-9.
Gajic, M., Vilotic, D. and Puric, D. 1995. Varieties of Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) distribution in Serbia based on needle structure. Sumarstvo. 3:19-22.
Gajic, M., Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Vilotic, D. 1993. The possibility of determining the origin of Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.), brought to the Deliblato Sand desert based on the anatomic structure of needles. The paper presented at the III Symposium " Deliblatska pescara za 21 vek", October, Deliblatska Pescara-Cardak, Yugoslavia.
Gajic, M., Vilotic, D. and Puric, D. 1993. Addition to the range of Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) in Serbia based on the anatomic structure of needles. Paper presented at the III symposium "Flora of Southeastern Serbia". 3-6 June, 1993. Pirot, Yugoslavia.
Puric, D. 1992. Bibliography of scientific and professional papers in the fields of dendrology and phytocenology in the period 1949-1990. Faculty of Forestry Bulletin, University of Belgrade. Belgrade. No. 74:583-588.
Gajic, M., Obratov, D. and Puric, D. 1991. A contribution to the study of Kopaonik Mountain flora. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry Bulletin, University of Belgrade. Belgrade. No. 73:647-656.
Research/Information Reports
Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Baird, K. 2017. Natural Areas Monitoring in the City of Guelph: Emerald Ash Borer impact on Ash populations in natural areas. 76pp.
Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Spyron, S. 2017. Successful approaches for landowner contact and partnership: Natural cover monitoring for the Lake Simcoe watershed. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Science and Research Branch, Peterborough, ON. Science and Research Information Report IR-03. 65pp.
Puric-Mladenovic, D., Gleeson, J., & Nielsen, G. 2015. Carbon Storage in Southern Ontario Forests: Case Studies (internal document). Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Peterborough, 50 pp.
Puric-Mladenovic, D., Spyron, S., Stanger, N. and Buck, J. 2013. Modeling and Mapping Historical Vegetation for Peel Region: Pre-Settlement and Mid-20th Century. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto & Southern Science Information Section, OMNR, Peterborough. 111pp.
Puric-Mladenovic, D., Bradley, D. and Strobl, S. 2012. Towards improved understanding of the distribution and abundance of invasive plant species in Southern Ontario Forests. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Science and Research Branch and The Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. 60pp.
Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Clark, G. 2010. Predictive modeling and mapping of biomass and carbon for Eco-district 6E-14. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto.
Puric-Mladenovic, D., Morrison, H. and Strobl, S. 2009. Allometric Formulas and methods for Biomass Estimates using Vegetation Sampling Protocol Data. Information Management and Spatial Analysis, Southern Science and Information Section, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Inventory and Monitoring Manuals/Protocols
Kenney, W.A. and Puric-Mladenovic, D. The Neighbourwoods© Tree Inventory and Monitoring Protocol for Community Based Urban Forest Stewardship (revised version in preparation). Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. 86pp.
Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Kenney, W.A. 2015. Vegetation Sampling Protocol (VSP). The VSP Field Inventory and Monitoring Pocket Guide. Version 1 (May 2015). Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Science and Research Branch and The Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. 102pp.
Kenney, W.A. and Puric-Mladenovic, D. 1998. Tree inventory procedure for urban forest management system - User's manual. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. 50pp.
Kenney, W.A. and Puric-Mladenovic, D. 1995. Neighbourwoods© Tree Inventory Protocol. In U. o. T. Faculty of Forestry (Ed.): Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto.
Conference Proceedings
Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Kenney, W.A. 1996. Potential natural vegetation as a guideline for urban forest planning. pp. 320-326 in P. Jonker, J. Vandall, L.Baschak and d. Gauthier. Proceedings of the conference “Caring for Home - Protected Areas and Landscape Ecology, September 29- October 1, 1996. Regina, Saskatchewan. 360 pp.
Gajic, M., Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Vilotic, D. 1994. Determination of the origin of Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) used in afforestation based on anatomical structure of needles. p. 283-288 In P. Marinkovic, S. Vicicevic, B. Stojkov and M. Vujic, eds. Proceedings of the National Conference "The Deliblato Sand - Proceedings VI" , 28-30 October 1993, Deliblato Sand. Serbia Forest, Belgrade. 288 pp.
Gajic, M. and Puric, D. 1991. Relation of species from the genus Acer L. of Flora of Serbia and of Flora Europeaa. p. 413-416 in M. Gajic, ed. Proceedings of the Symposium "Nedeljko Kosanin and botanical sciences", Belgrade-Ivanjica. Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade, University of Belgrade: Botanical Institute and Botanical Garden and Ivanjica Forestry. Belgrade-Ivanjica. 416 p.
Gajic, M. and Puric, D. 1991. Origin of Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) planted in green areas of the City of Kraljevo. p. 409-411 in M. Gajic, ed. Proceedings of the Symposium "Nedeljko Kosanin and botanical sciences", Belgrad-Ivanjica. Serbian Academy of Science and Arts-Belgrade, University of Belgrade: Botanical Institute and Botanical Garden and Ivanjica Forestry. Belgrade-Ivanjica. 416 p.
Puric-Mladenovic, D. 2003. Predictive vegetation modeling for forest conservation and management in settled landscapes. Ph.D. Thesis. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, 281 pp. + 112.
Puric, D. 1992. Dendroflora of the urban ecosystems of the West Morava Region. Master's thesis. Faculty of Forestry. University of Belgrade. Belgrade. 201 pp. + map.
Puric-Mladenovic, D. 2011. Pre-settlement Landscape Vegetation Modeling and Mapping for the Southwestern Golden Horseshoe, including Hamilton, Halton, Peel, Toronto and York Regions and the Credit Valley Watershed: Probability of American Beech-Basswood Vegetation. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. PDF also available from The Geospatial Centre Library, University of Waterloo.Puric-Mladenovic, D. 2011. Pre-settlement Landscape Vegetation Modeling and Mapping for the Southwestern Golden Horseshoe, including Hamilton, Halton, Peel, Toronto and York Regions and the Credit Valley Watershed: Probability of Wetland Areas. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. PDF also available from The Geospatial Centre Library, University of Waterloo.
Puric-Mladenovic, D. 2011. Historical vegetation mapping for the Region of Peel. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. PDF also available from The Geospatial Centre Library, University of Waterloo.
Puric-Mladenovic, D. and Clark, G. 2010. Predictive modeling and mapping of biomass and carbon for Eco-district 6e14. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto.
Puric-Mladenovic, D., Buck, J., Bradley, D., Arends, R. and Strobl, S. 2008. Digital atlas of predicted species distributions, vegetation assemblages and habitat characteristics for the eco-district 6e10 and GPE - St. Lawrence Islands National Park, version 1.0. Information Management and Spatial Analysis Unit, Southern Science and Information Section, OMNR, Peterborough, Ontario.
Puric-Mladenovic, D. 2003. Pre-settlement vegetation mapping for the Regional Municipality of York. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. PDF also available from The Geospatial Centre Library, University of Waterloo.
Puric-Mladenovic, D and Pinto, F. 2010. Pre-settlement vegetation mapping for Temagami. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. PDF also available from The Geospatial Centre Library, University of Waterloo.
Puric-Mladenovic, D and Pinto, F. Pre-settlement vegetation of Algonquin Provincial Park. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. PDF also available from The Geospatial Centre Library, University of Waterloo.
Puric-Mladenovic, Danijela. 2016. Integrating invasive species management in forest and landscape conservation. [Powerpoint slides].
Puric-Mladenovic, Danijela. 2015. Natural Heritage and Terrestrial Monitoring –why does it matter? [Powerpoint slides].
Puric-Mladenovic, Danijela. 2012. Vegetation Inventory Why we need to go back to basics? [Powerpoint slides].
Buck, J., Puric-Mladenovic, D, Bradley, D. 2012. Making invasive species inventory useful. [Powerpoint slides].
Puric-Mladenovic, Danijela. 2010. Reclaiming the Past to Inform the Future. Latornell Conservation Symposium. [Powerpoint slides].
Puric-Mladenovic, Danijela. 2004. Historic Forest Cover Vision for the Future: The Regional Municipality of York, ON. [Powerpoint slides].
Puric-Mladenovic, Danijela. 2011. Natural Heritage System (NHS): Science or science fiction? [Powerpoint slides]