Common Plants
Common native plants are are
species that occur naturally in a given area. Identifying
plant species composition at sampling sites aids in defining the
vegetation community and associated species, including wildlife. VSP
collects data on the complete inventory of plant species at all layers
of vertical strata, from groundcover to canopy, enabling a complete
picture of community composition and structure. Since sampling plots
are random and geographically referenced, vegetation can
also be
modeled across entire landscapes, and can be used to predict species
distributions under future climates.
Plant Species at Risk
Species at risk (SAR) include plants
identified as being
endangered, threatened, of special concern or extirpated. Plant species
at risk
are of conservation concern as their populations are low or declining.
management, these plant species may be lost entirely from an area or
extinct. Comprehensive inventory and monitoring of natural areas is
to identifying and protecting SAR through recovery planning and habitat
management. VSP
collects information pertaining to the location,
habitat, and
abundance of SAR. Such information can be used to identify areas in
need of
conservation efforts and model SAR distributions.Invasive
Invasive plants are non-native species that are aggressive and
reproduce quickly to invade an introduced area and harm native
species. Invasive species stress natural systems and reduce
biodiversity, resulting in a growing economic cost of
these species and mitigating their
negative impacts.For example, invasive species such as Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) and Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) alter forest structure and composition by outcompeting native species and suppressing forest regeneration. A list of non-native plants invasive to southern Ontario can be found HERE.
Management actions to control invasive species and reduce their negative impacts must be based on sound inventory and monitoring information. Effective invasive species management requires early detection of invasives and ongoing monitoring to track their distribution and impact over time. VSP supports these activities through an established monitoring network of sampling plots used to determine the location, frequency and abundance of invasive species for baseline condition and monitoring. VSP therefore supports invasive species management decisions. Ongoing monitoring can detect changes in vegetation and measure the success of management actions.
- Natural Areas Health Monitoring in Guelph, ON (2016)
- Integrating invasive species management in forest and landscape conservation (Puric-Mladenovic, 2016) (PDF)
- Creating an Invasive Plant Management Strategy: A Framework for Ontario Municipalities (Sherman, 2015) (PDF)
- Towards improved understanding of
invasive plant species in southern Ontario (Puric-Mladenovic,
Bradley and Strobl, 2012) (PDF)