Metadata Field Name QGIS Label Description
Blnum Number of By-laws Pertaining to Trees Total number of by-laws pertaining to trees enacted by a municipality 
BLFcTree Forest Conservation By-law Forest conservation by-law, woodland conservation by-law, and other tree by-laws regarding protection of trees and urban forests
BLEabTree Emerald Ash Borer By-law By-law regarding the control of the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer
BLDedTree Dutch Elm Disease By-law By-law regarding the control and prevention of the spread of Dutch Elm Disease and other tree related diseases
BLParkTree Parks By-law By-law regarding the protection of trees on parks and the prohibition of causing damage to trees on parks
BLHeriTree Heritage By-law By-law regarding the protection of heritage trees 
BLStrTree Street Tree By-law By-law regarding the protection of trees on streets and public property
BLStrZone Street Tree By-law Specific the Zoning Zoning By-law related to the protection of trees on streets and public property
BLRoadTree Road By-law By-law regarding the protection of trees on highways and municipal roads
BLPrivTree Private Tree By-law By-law regarding the protection of trees on private property
BLPrivZone Private Tree By-law Specific to Zoning Zoning By-law related to the protection of trees on private property
BLPropTree Property Standards By-law Property standards by-law, and other community standards by-law regarding the maintenance of trees on property
BLYardTree Yard Maintenance By-law By-law regarding the maintenance of yards, and trees and landscaping on yard
TPolicyG Municipal Policy Related to Urban Forestry Overall indicator of the presence of municipal polices related to urban forest tree
TPolicyPer Policy Specific to Tree Permits Policy related to tree permit
TPolicyPla Policy Specific to Planting Guidelines Policy related to tree planting guidelines and specifications
TPolicySpe Policy Specific to Choice of Tree Species Policy related to the choice of tree species, e.g. list of recommended tree species, list of prohibited tree species, etc.
TPolicyNat Policy Specific to Native Trees Policy related to the planting of native trees 
TPolicySha Policy Specific to Planting of Shade Trees Policy related to the planting of shade trees
TPolicyHer Policy Specific to Heritage Trees / Natural Heritage Policy related to the protection of heritage trees and natural heritage
TPolicyCom Policy Specific to Commemorative Trees Policy related to commemorative trees 
TPolicySub Policy Specific to Standards of Trees in New Subdivisions Policy related to the standards of trees in new subdivisions
TPolicyBou Policy Specific to Boulevard Trees Policy related to boulevard tree planting and maintenance
UFStrInG Municipal Tree Inventory Overall indicator of the presence of municipal tree inventory
UFStrInStr Public / Street Tree Inventory Inventory of public trees and street trees
UFStrInPar Park Tree Inventory Inventory of trees on parks
UFStrInAsh Ash Tree Inventory Inventory of ash trees
UFStrInElm Elm Tree Inventory Inventory of elm trees
UFStrInHer Heritage Tree Inventory Inventory of heritage trees
ITreeTreP i-Tree Project i-Tree / Urban Forest Effects Model (UFORE) project
UFMPG Urban Forest Management Plan Overall indicator of the presence of management plans and programs for urban trees and forests
UFMPpark Management Plan Specific to Parkland Management plan related to parks 
UFMPGreen Management Plan Specific to Green Spaces Management plan related to public green spaces
UFMStree Urban Forest Management Strategy Management strategy related to urban trees and forests
UFMSpark Management Strategy Related to Parkland Management strategy related to parks
DEDProgTree Dutch Elm Management Program Dutch Elm Disease management program
DEDProgSpy Dutch Elm Disease Treatment by Spraying Dutch Elm Disease control by basal spraying
UFDeptG Department Related to Tree Maintenance / Urban Forestry Activities Overall indicator of the presence of municipal departments related to tree maintenance and urban forestry activities
UFDeptFor Urban Forestry Department / Division / Programs Urban forestry department, or forestry department under which urban forestry programs are provided
UFDeptPar Parks Department Parks Department
UFDeptPGre Green Spaces Department Green Spaces Department
UFDeptHor Horticulture Department Horticulture Department
UFDeptRec Recreation Department Recreation Department
UFDeptPlan Planning Department Planning Department
UFDeptPWo Public Works Department Public Works Department
UFDeptEnv Environmental Services Department Environmental Services Department
ForesteTre Position Related to Urban Forestry Activities Position related to the administration and management of municipal urban forestry programs, e.g. urban forester, director of parks, natural resources coordinator, etc.
ForesteUF Registered Professional Forester Registered Professional Forester (R.P.F), urban forester or urban forestry manager, etc.
ForesteArb Certified Arborist ISA certified arborist, municipal arborist, urban forestry technologist, etc.
ForestePar Parks Operations Manager Manager of Parks Operations and Forestry, Parks and Recreation
ForesteHor Horticulturist Horticulturist
ForesteEnv Environmental Services Manager Manager of Environmental Services, Environmental Coordinator, etc.
UFDepAct Municipal Urban Forestry Activities Various urban forestry activities in municipality, e.g. urban reforestation program, tree planting program, Communities in Bloom program, horticulture services, etc. These activities are not necessarily managed by the urban forestry department, e.g. the Communities in Bloom program is organized by the Communities in Bloom Committee, annual tree program by the Agricultural Services Department, etc. 
SCountTre Stewardship Council Stewardship Council
MNursTree Municipal Tree Nursery Municipal Tree Nursery
PesG Pest and Disease Control and Related Activities Overall indicator of the presence of pest and disease control activities
SupProvG Support from Provincial Government for Pest and Disease Control Overall indicator of the presence of provincial support for pest and disease control. It can be short-term or long-term funding. 
PesIntMgt Specific Integrated Pest Management Policy Integrated pest management policy and program
SupProvDED Long-Term Provincial Support for Dutch Elm Disease Management Long-term provincial support for Dutch Elm Disease Management, e.g. Dutch Elm Disease Management Agreements, Strategy Funds, etc.
PesDED Pest and Disease Control Specific to Dutch Elm Disease Specific management practices for control of the Dutch Elm Disease
PesEAB Pest and Disease Control Specific to Emerald Ash Borer Specific management practices for control of the Emerald Ash Borer
PesTent Pest and Disease Control Specific to Tent Caterpillar Treatment Specific management practices for control of the Tent Caterpillar
PesBlaKno Pest and Disease Control Specific to Black Knot Treatment Specific management practices for control of the Black Knot